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Hopi Ear Candling


An ancient holistic therapy whereby a cotton and beeswax candle is placed gently in the ear to draw out impurities and help dislodge ear wax and equalise ear pressure.  This can assist with tinnitus, vertigo, snoring, wax build up, post flying pressure, headaches/migraines, sinusitis etc. This relaxing treatment is carried out on both ears to ensure balance to the body.  Body & Sole only uses CE approved ear candles. 


Hopi Ear candling - £36.00 - 45 minutes

Includes consultation, Hopi treatment and gentle neck massage during the treatment.



Heavenly Hopi Experience - £ 42.50 - 60 minutes

Includes Hopi ear candling and a face, head and scalp massage which aids lymph flow and sinus blockages. It is also deeply relaxing and a perfect way to end this treatment. 




Please note that Hopi ear candling is not suitable if you have an ear infection, grommets, implants, epilepsy, high/low blood pressure, hearing aids, surgery to your ear, 1st three months of pregnancy or seeing a medical consultant for ear problems. 



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